Q. Does the library have a Virtual Reality room?
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Last Updated: Oct 19, 2023 Views: 527
Yes! We have several Virtual Reality options in the Lab NEXT. There is the Virtual Reality Studio, the Virtual Reality Cart, as well as the Virtual Reality Research and Development room.
The Virtual Reality Studio is our flagship space located in room 340E in TFDL. This studio can be used by faculty, staff and students. The room contains a high-performance PC and a HTC Vive Headset. The equipment is designed to be used at "room scale," allowing the user to navigate naturally and use handheld controllers to manipulate objects, communicate, and experience immersive audio-visual environments.
The Virtual Reality Cart is a bookable cart which can be set up in a designated space within Lab NEXT and is available by request for classes or special events. It is also room scale, and has a wide variety of applications available to try - both games and academic games.
For those looking to program their own applications using open source tools to enhance research and teaching, or to work on special VR projects, we have the VR Development Room. This space has several development tools for creating VR content, as well as specialized peripherals.
Learn more about Virtual Reality and book these spaces: https://library.ucalgary.ca/services/vr
Learn more about what VR experiences we recommend for a variety of learning and entertainment contexts: https://libanswers.ucalgary.ca/faq/211769
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