Q. What do I need to know about copyright?
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Last Updated: Dec 22, 2022 Views: 481
Copyright protects the form in which literary, artistic, musical and dramatic works are expressed. In Canada, copyright exists once a work is expressed in fixed form; no special registration needs to take place. Copyright usually resides with the creator of the work. Copyright exists in most work for 70 years after the death of the creator.
The University of Calgary encourages access to works while ensuring that the rights of creators are respected in accordance with the Copyright Act. It is the responsibility of each individual to ensure compliance with copyright regulations.
For more information, contact the Copyright Office.
On July 12, the Federal Court of Canada issued its decision in the litigation between Access Copyright and York University. On July 31, York University announced their decision to appeal this ruling. Read York’s statement here.
The University of Calgary is reviewing the ruling to determine what impact it might have on the university. Read the court decision here.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION September 8, 2016 - Information from the Provost ALL COURSE READING LISTS & OTHER THIRD PARTY MATERIAL REQUIRED FOR YOUR COURSES SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE COPYRIGHT OFFICE FOR COPYRIGHT REVIEW & CLEARANCE. 1. Course reserves – submit requests to http://library.ucalgary.ca/reserve-request-form 2. Print Coursepacks – submit your materials to either the Bookstore or Bound & Copied, they will automatically be forwarded to the Copyright Office for review 3. Digital Readings – submit to copyright@ucalgary.ca. Include title, author, page numbers, course numbers and enrolment number 4. Review your lecture presentations to ensure use of third party material falls within fair dealing and that files can be distributed or posted to D2L or Osler OR seek assistance from the Copyright Office Note: Course materials should be reviewed each semester in which they are used. Publishers rarely grant perpetual rights, requiring that permissions be renewed if material is used in subsequent courses or semesters. Permissions are typically based on how the material will be disseminated (i.e. posted to D2L, handed out to students, or included in a print course pack) and by the number of students enrolled in the course. It is also important to note that licensing agreements for the material can change. The Copyright Office will review course materials to ensure that persistent links to library–held electronic items still work and make arrangements if any of these materials are no longer available. For more information please see our PERMITTED USES chart as well as FAQ. Individual questions and concerns can be directed to copyright@ucalgary.ca |
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