Q. How do I use copyrighted images
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Last Updated: Dec 22, 2022 Views: 558
In general, follow relevant contract, license or agreement and copyright law. The term of copyright in Canada is the life of the creator + remainder of calendar year of death + 70 years.
NOTE: Where use is permitted, a statement of attribution (source of image, photographer, owner of work, where appropriate, should always be displayed with the image).
Libraries and Cultural Resources digital image databases, such as ARTstor, provide access to over a million high-resolution digital images as well as presentation creation tools for teaching. To check for permissions for ARTstor images, check the licensing database.
In addition, Libraries and Cultural Resources has acquired a further 67,000+ high resolution digital images and provides access to these from our in-house Image Catalogue. These digital images are licensed for educational use and have authentication for remote access. Information on copyright permissions for these images can be found as follows: Saskia, Archivision, Hartill, Ehrentraut, Art Gallery of Ontario, Davis, Bridgeman, Harappa. A list of other licensed image databases can be found on the Media Creation Resources guide.
Royalty free images that you may want to use are available on various sites such as Wikimedia, National Geographic, Flickr as well as those licensed from Microsoft as part of your university access.
Permitted uses: · Search, view, print and download images for research and private study and to link to individual images, image groups or page images with electronic bookmarking · Instructors may project these images ad part of their lectures at the University of Calgary · Instructors may include images posted to a course management system or handouts with proper credit included · Inclusion of print images in a paper is acceptable if that paper is not copied and distributed outside the institution |
Non-permitted uses: · Posting to a public website · Publishing or distributing images in any manner for commercial uses or uses that are made widely available, without obtaining permission · Altering the work in any way, unless the creator has waived these moral rights |
For further information, email Rowena Wake (rwake@ucalgary.ca)
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