Q. How does Google Scholar connect with the Library's databases, e-journals and other resources
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Last Updated: Feb 26, 2018 Views: 1287
Last Updated: Feb 26, 2018 Views: 1287
Google Scholar, July 13 2017
We have had reports that Google Scholar is no longer displaying the "FindIt @ U of Calgary" links when accessed from off-campus. It appears that Google is now requiring a Google Account to select a preferred library when not on campus.
To select University of Calgary as a preferred library:
- If you already have an account with Google, click "Sign In" at the top right of the screen, and log in on the next screen.
- If you do not have an account with Google, create a free one at the top right of the screen.Click "Sign In" at the trop right of the screen, and then create a free accountusing the link directly above the log-in box, and then "Sign In" as above. Note: This does not require that you have a Gmail email account.
- Once you are logged in, click on "Settings" at the top right corner. If this is not shown as an option, click on the "gear" icon at the top right corner for Options.
- Click on "Library Links" on the left side of the page. If "FindIt @ U of Calgary" is not listed as an option, type Calgary into the box and search for the university. Once it has been located through the search, click the checkbox for "FindIt @ U of Calgary" and any other libraries you wish to designate (up to a maximum of 5).
- When you are done making these and any other changes to your "Scholar Settings", click the "Save" button at the bottom right corner.
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