Q. How do I login to library resources?
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Last Updated: Jan 25, 2024 Views: 32599
Last Updated: Jan 25, 2024 Views: 32599
University of Calgary Libraries has subscribed to over a thousand databases.
Scroll down to your user type and find out how to access the databases:
Students, Faculty and Staff
When logging into databases, your account and the library search:
- Select the Students, Faculty and Staff option which should take you to the University's Microsoft MFA login
- Enter your "accountname@ucalgary.ca and click 'next' -> enter associated password and click 'sign in'
- You will be redirected back to the resource once you have been authenticated.
General Associates
When logging into databases
- If you have an IT username:
- Select the Red *General Associates tab (IT username)
*May 2022 - If login fails to authenticate then use the 'Shibboleth Login' option (adjacent to Help and Terms of Service)
- Select the Red *General Associates tab (IT username)
- If you have Unicard barcode login:
1.‘General Associate (Barcode)’ option.
2. Enter the first 9 digits of your Barcode where asked
3. Enter your Password where asked (by default this is Uc followed by your UCID ex. Uc12345678 or your 10-digit phone number)
When logging into your account and the library search:
- If you have an IT username:
- Select the ‘Student, Faculty, Staff, General Associates’ (UCalgary IT account login)
- If you have Unicard barcode login:
1. Select ‘ContED, Community Users, Alumni, General Associates’ (Unicard Barcode)
2. Enter the first 9 digits of your Barcode where asked
3. Enter your Password where asked (by default this is Uc followed by your UCID ex. Uc12345678 or your 10-digit phone number) -
When logging into databases:
- Click on the graduation cap (Mortar board) on one of the databases Alumni has access to
- Alumni access requires an IT username
(login with what you previously logged into your UCalgary email with) - See Alumni database access guide for further information
When logging into your account for borrowing physical materials and the library search:
- Select the Other option
- Enter the first 9 digits of your Barcode where asked
- Enter your Password where asked (by default this is Uc followed by your UCID ex. Uc12345678 or your 10-digit phone number)
ContEd Students
See Continuing Education LibGuide.
Community Users
Community Users do not have access to databases or full-text resources off campus but can view their library account.
When logging into your account and the library search:
- Select the Other option
- Enter the first 9 digits of your Barcode where asked
- Enter your Password where asked (by default this is Uc followed by your 10-digit phone number ex. Uc4032202222)
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