Last Updated: Jul 31, 2020     Views: 45

Go to the library webpage and search for the item you require. For example, if you require a specific volume / issue for a specific journal title.


  • Select the Journals icon (green area)
  • Enter the journal title into the Journal Search search box
  • Click on the Available at link for the correct journal result

Sign in with your user ID and password

  • Sign in with your user ID and password

find the date or volume you wish to request

  • Use the ‘All’ dropdown arrow to determine where the print holdings are located. 
    Even though ‘Health Sciences Library > Main collection > MEDICAL PERIODICAL is shown as
    a location, there may be no holdings in that area.  In this example, Taylor Family Digital Library >
    High Density Library > MEDICAL’ is the holdings location. 

  • Holdings (volume/issue) for that location will be displayed.  Scroll through the list using the
    numbered pages key at the top of the list to find the volume/issue you want, then click on
    ‘Request’ to place a hold request.

details of title requested screen


  • You will need to choose a pickup location using the dropdown menu.  You can also enter
    a ‘Not Needed After’date if you wish.  Click on ‘REQUEST’ to complete the transaction. The
    journal volume/issue will be sent to the chosen pickup location.  You will receive an email that
    the item is available for pickup on the hold shelf.