Last Updated: Aug 15, 2024     Views: 366

We are not digitizing new titles for this collection at this time and will keep suggestions for future consideration.

However, we can host a digital copy of whole works under the following conditions:

  1. The suggested title fits under the Local Histories collection scope: books describing the history of Canadian small towns, rural areas, and large cities.
  2. Permission is granted from the copyright holder(s) to make the title available through the University of Calgary digital collections.
  3. Digital files meet specifications below.

Contact us at to arrange hosting of a new title.

Digital file specifications

File Format:

  • Master: TIFF
  • Access: JPEG

Bit Depth:

  • 24 bit colour
  • 8 bit grayscale


  • For standard items:
    • 400 ppi
    • 4000 pixels on longest dimension
  • For fragile items that can or should only be digitized once:
    • 600 ppi
    • 6000 pixels on longest dimension

General digitization process

Digitize book

  • Scan all pages including the spine as well as front and back covers. The spine can be included in the front cover image if possible.

Edit scanned images

  • Keep a set of unedited raw scans (Master: TIFF files) separate from edited files.
  • Crop images using Photoshop (or similar program). Leave a border around top, bottom, and outside edge of the page.
  • Save edited files as JPEG copies.


For information on the original scope of the Local Histories collection see:


For information on digitization see:

Guidelines for Planning the Digitization of Rare Book and Manuscript Collections

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2014