Q. Can this title be added to the Local Histories digital collection?
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Last Updated: Aug 15, 2024 Views: 366
Last Updated: Aug 15, 2024 Views: 366
We are not digitizing new titles for this collection at this time and will keep suggestions for future consideration.
However, we can host a digital copy of whole works under the following conditions:
- The suggested title fits under the Local Histories collection scope: books describing the history of Canadian small towns, rural areas, and large cities.
- Permission is granted from the copyright holder(s) to make the title available through the University of Calgary digital collections.
- Digital files meet specifications below.
Contact us at digitalservices@ucalgary.libanswers.com to arrange hosting of a new title.
Digital file specifications
File Format:
- Master: TIFF
- Access: JPEG
Bit Depth:
- 24 bit colour
- 8 bit grayscale
- For standard items:
- 400 ppi
- 4000 pixels on longest dimension
- For fragile items that can or should only be digitized once:
- 600 ppi
- 6000 pixels on longest dimension
General digitization process
Digitize book
- Scan all pages including the spine as well as front and back covers. The spine can be included in the front cover image if possible.
Edit scanned images
- Keep a set of unedited raw scans (Master: TIFF files) separate from edited files.
- Crop images using Photoshop (or similar program). Leave a border around top, bottom, and outside edge of the page.
- Save edited files as JPEG copies.
For information on the original scope of the Local Histories collection see: https://libanswers.ucalgary.ca/faq/190699
For information on digitization see:
Guidelines for Planning the Digitization of Rare Book and Manuscript Collections
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2014
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