Q. What is the UCalgary Libraries' study space and workstation policy?
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Last Updated: Oct 24, 2024 Views: 1208
Patrons cannot leave a study space, computer workstation or group work room for extended periods of time.
Parking (leaving your belongings unattended for the purposes of saving a space) and/or saving seats for others is not permitted. If the space remains unused for that period of time, staff may remove belongings. Belongings that have been removed can be retrieved from the Service Desk.
As per the workroom booking conditions, if you are more than 10 minutes late for your booking, other users are entitled to the time slot that you have booked. A booking is defined as each hour of the allotted time. For example if you book the room from 9:00am to 11:00am and arrive at 9:15, you may still use the room beginning at 10:00.
The Libraries’ public study spaces, computer workstations, and group work rooms are heavily used especially during peak periods of the semester. To allow for fair and equitable access to public study spaces, computer workstations, and group work rooms in the library, priority is given to patrons who are present and using the spaces for academic use. Consideration must be made for those waiting for study spaces, computer workstations, and group workrooms.
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