Last Updated: Jan 30, 2024     Views: 1967

There are three ways faculty, students and staff at the University of Calgary can send an Interlibrary loan request:

  1. Search in the library catalogue and if the book/article you are looking for is not found then click to expand your search to libraries outside of University of Calgary and click ‘Get it for me from other libraries’ (see detailed screen captures below for instructions --- note that signing on with your University of Calgary username/password is required).  Using this method usually results in a link to the digital material being  sent to your email within 24 hours.  Physical material will take longer depending on the geographic location of the lending library.  
  2.  Submit when searching in a database: If you are searching in a database with a mix of full text and citations/abstracts you may want to request an article that is cited but not available in full text in that database. To submit an interlibrary loan request select ‘Get Full Text’ icon and the Request Interlibrary loan form will appear.
  3. Submit using the ILL request form (sign in to your UCalgary IT account): You will need to do this if the item you are searching for is not found in the library catalogue or searching outside of the University of Calgary collections. When presented with the form you will need to choose book or article depending on the type of material you are requesting. Adding in the ISBN or ISSN number will expedite your request as staff mediation will not be required in most cases. Most digital requests will be sent to you within 24 hours if the form is filled out completely. 

Below are some examples of the step-by-step process with screen captures for submitting a request via the library catalogue for both digital and physical requests.

If you require further assistance please Contact Document Delivery Service


Example of how to request a non physical item (digital) not held in the University of Calgary library

1. Search for an article/book chapter in the library catalogue (digital/non physical item)

2. If you are unable find the article in the University of Calgary library catalogue then click “to expand your search” which will search outside of the University of Calgary holdings

click to expand search

3. Click Get it for me from other libraries. You will be required to sign in using your University of Calgary username/pw

Get it from other libraries

4. Digital offer will show if available:  click GET IT

5. Add your ucalgary email address. i.e.

  • Check the box to agree with the copyright note.
  • Click Send.


add your ucalgary email address


6. You will get a notification ‘ The request was successfully submitted’.  When the item is ready for you to download you will be sent an email with instructions on how to download.

The request was successfully submitted

Example of how to request a physical book not held in the University of Calgary library (physical/non-digital request)

1. Search for your book title in the library catalogue. If you don’t find it in the University of Calgary library catalogue then “Click to expand you search” which will search outside of the University of Calgary library collections.


Click here to expand your search


2. Click 'Get it for me from other libraries' and the options available will appear. ie. a physical copy or a chapter scan option if you don't need the whole book

Get it for me from other libraries


3. Click GET IT under the offer you would like to accept and a request will be submitted for you.

Click GET IT under the offer you would like to accept


4. If requesting the physical item select the 'pickup location'. This is where you would like to pick the book up from.  ie. Health Sciences Library, Military Museum or Taylor Family Digital Library (TFDL)

Pickup location


5.  'The request was successfully submitted’ will display

The request was successfully submitted


Viewing your requests in your University of Calgary library account:

You are be able to view your requests by signing in to your University of Calgary library account and click on 'requests".  Below you can see that the item was requested and is 'in process by lender'. 

Library Account Request


If you require further assistance please Contact Document Delivery Service