Q. How can I access University of Calgary Theses and Dissertations?
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Last Updated: Dec 18, 2023 Views: 343
Last Updated: Dec 18, 2023 Views: 343
You can access 21,671 UCalgary Open Access theses and dissertations in PRISM: UCalgary's Digital Repository. These records are also indexed in library search engines and public search engines like Google Scholar.
You’ll see three theses “collections”, based on type and permissions:
- Legacy Theses – These are UCalgary open access digitized theses, completed prior to June 2012.
- The Vault: Electronic Theses and Dissertations – UCalgary electronic theses, completed post June 2012. Most are open access, some may have a temporary convocation embargo on until graduation, but are requestable.
- Restricted Theses – Closed access theses. Content is digitized for preservation, but not available for digital lending. These are only available for hard copy consultation in the Glenbow Western Research Centre, Taylor Family Digital Library, due to permission restrictions.
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