Q. How do I request complimentary high resolution reproductions from Digital Collections?
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Last Updated: Feb 10, 2023 Views: 390
Last Updated: Feb 10, 2023 Views: 390
We provide medium-resolution copies of most content in our Digital Collections at no cost. We can also provide high-resolution copies of digitized content at no cost when embedded in classroom use.
Most other requests are subject to our digitization fee schedule: https://library.ucalgary.ca/frequently-asked-questions/question/202674
We are providing some complimentary high-resolution reproductions for the following use cases and users:
- Dictionary of Canadian Biography entries
- Donors seeking digital copies of their donations
- Classroom use
- Indigenous people seeking copies of Indigenous archival content
- Historic Calgary Week presentations
If you fall under one of these categories and would like to request a fee waiver, please submit an application here.
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