Q. How do I get through the TFDL access turnstiles?
- All
- Groups
- 13D Printing
- 1Accessibility
- 16Archives & Special Collections
- 2authenticate
- 2authentication
- 16Borrowing
- 1Carvey
- 16Citing & Writing
- 1Collections
- 15Copyright
- 2database help
- 2databases
- 30Digital Collections
- 2Digital Preservation
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- 1EMI
- 14Glenbow
- 1Journal Publishing
- 2Login help
- 1Makerspace
- 33Open Access
- 1Open Access Authors Fund
- 14Open Content
- 8Open Educational Resources
- 4Open Licensing
- 35Open Services Suite
- 3Policies
- 9Printing
- 49Research
- 4Scholarly Communications
- 16Technology
- 9TFDL Access
Last Updated: Sep 25, 2024 Views: 179
Last Updated: Sep 25, 2024 Views: 179
UCalgary Students, Faculty, Staff
- Scan your Unicard barcode at the TFDL access turnstiles.
- If your Unicard doesn’t work at the turnstiles, please email libinfo@ucalgary.libanswers.com or talk to the staff at the TFDL service desk for assistance.
Guests, Alumni, Community, SAIL Partners, RDC & Glenbow Researchers
- Guest Access is available: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:30pm; Saturday/Sunday 10:00am to 3:30pm
- Complete the guest registration using the computer and printer provided on the main floor of the TFDL
- After clicking “Register”, the form will load a QR code and provide the option to “Print” or “Email” the QR code.
- Clicking “Print QR code and Finish” sends the QR code, Name, and date to the printer.
- Clicking “Finish” will email the QR code to the email address provided.
- The QR code is only valid on the day it is generated.
- After clicking “Register”, the form will load a QR code and provide the option to “Print” or “Email” the QR code.
- Enter at the gate next to the Integrated Service Desk
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