Last Updated: Jul 13, 2022     Views: 1508

If you are enrolled in a distance program, there are no additional charges for you to use distance library services. The library will pay for delivering materials, and provide postage paid mailing labels for the return. Place requests on the Interlibrary Loan / Document Delivery request form, and select Distance Education.

Fees for Unreturned Loaned Material (Books)
Replacement and processing fees are charged for unreturned loaned material. These fees are high—often over $100—to cover reordering and reprocessing costs. Students are responsible from the time they receive the item until it arrives back at the library. Canada Post will not be held responsible.

Photocopy/Microfiche Requests
Unless otherwise specified, students may keep photocopied material. Photocopies must comply with copyright law.

Material available on microfiche will be copied and sent to the student.

Loan Privileges:

  • Undergraduate, graduate students and instructors have a term loan for UofC materials with due dates January 29, May 29 or September 29, depending on the term.
  • Werklund School of Education students: identify yourself as a WSE Distance Student in the Patron Notes field, and if you are requesting an educational kit, please mention that in the item request.
  • For Interlibrary Loan materials (items brought in from other institutions), loan periods vary and will be listed with the item. 
  • Loaned materials are only delivered to distance students in Canada. Unless otherwise requested, items will be mailed to your address on MyUofC.
  • You can renew materials by contacting or
  • Checked out material can be renewed indefinitely, as long as no one places a hold on the material.
  • Holds will be placed on checked-out material requested by students.
  • Unless otherwise specified, material acquired via interlibrary loan will be signed out to the student for a two to three week period, this is dependent on your geographic location and Canada Post.
  • Students must ensure loaned items are returned by the due date, or a replacement and processing fee will be charged.
  • Please refer to the University's policy on Circulation Fines for additional information.

Reference Assistance
Students can request research assistance from their liaison librarian, via online chat or by emailing

Eligible Programs
Service is limited to those enrolled in distance education programs (e.g. Social Work Online, Graduate Division of Education Research, and some others). If you are listed as a distance student you are eligible for distance library services.

If you are conducting remote fieldwork as part of a non-distance program you may be eligible for distance library services. Contact us if you believe you deserve an exception.