Last Updated: Sep 20, 2024     Views: 590

Content Policy

  1. The University of Calgary archives web content that is freely available online within the following scope:
    • Web-based open educational resources produced by University of Calgary faculty
    • Websites produced by research teams, faculty, staff, and students at the University of Calgary
    • Websites produced to complement traditional print-based theses by University of Calgary Graduate students
    • University of Calgary websites representing the cultural heritage of our institution
  2. Unless granted permission, the University of Calgary will not archive web content behind password protection.
  3. Archived web content will be available in the University of Calgary’s Archive-It collections and permanently added to Archive-It’s Wayback Machine.
  4. The University of Calgary web archiving process does not involve the transfer or assertion of copyrights over the original web or archived content. All rights of ownership remain with the website owner(s) and/or creators. The University of Calgary cannot authorize the use of web content or archived materials.
  5. Web content users are responsible for ensuring they appropriately use copyright-protected materials and should refer to the copyright laws of their country for guidance.

Withdrawal Policy

Our practice is not to remove items from our Web Archive Collections unless there are concerns regarding copyright or violation of the content policy listed above.

  1. Withdrawn sites are removed from the University of Calgary Web Archive Collections.
  2. Withdrawn sites are not deleted from Archive-It's Wayback Machine but are removed from public view.

If you are a copyright holder of a website and wish to contest the inclusion of your site in the University of Calgary Archive-It collection, please contact

If you are a copyright holder and believe your intellectual property has been included on a web page without your consent, please contact the website owners. The University of Calgary cannot respond to third-party requests to remove web site content. Only the web site owner can modify their web content.

The University of Calgary is not liable for the content or conduct of websites selected for archiving or those using the archived collections. This includes but is not limited to the misuse of third party materials or inclusion of erroneous data. The University of Calgary does not verify the accuracy of web content or monitor for copyright compliance. The web site owner is solely responsible for the content they make available.

More Information

For more information about or clarification of any of these policies, please contact